Kick The Cowboy - The Ultimate Anti-Stress Game

Kick back and relieve stress with this lighthearted arcade game. Use fun tools to kick, smash, and prank the cowboy in increasingly creative ways. Whether you want to blow off steam or simply have a laugh, this game guarantees endless fun.

Kick The Cowboy - A cowboy character being kicked as part of a stress-relief game.
Kick The Cowboy - A cowboy character being kicked as part of a stress-relief game.
EndlessBall - A bouncing ball on a platform in a minimalist arcade game EndlessBall.EndlessBall - A bouncing ball on a platform in a minimalist arcade game EndlessBall.
RollMaze - A ball rolling through a maze being rotated to reach the goal in RollMaze.RollMaze - A ball rolling through a maze being rotated to reach the goal in RollMaze.
4 in Row - A grid with colored discs in the 4 in Row strategy game.4 in Row - A grid with colored discs in the 4 in Row strategy game.
Knife & Hit - Knives being thrown into a rotating wooden target in Knife & Hit.Knife & Hit - Knives being thrown into a rotating wooden target in Knife & Hit.

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